Being Sick

4 04 2013

This is me wanting your sympathy because I am sick. 

And sick people are supposed to be made to feel extra special.

They’re supposed to be wrapped up in a blanket away from people and be made to drink soup from a mug and re-watch the entire IT Crowd series.


Okay fine.

I felt like death this morning.

Now, slightly less so. More of coma-ish. Or hemorrhage. My sense of humor is probably not at its best for now.

Being sick fucks you up in the head as well (apart from headaches).

You tend to be more negative about things. 

Like how being in public is the worst thing in the world. Or how happy people make you want to throw up. 

Or how you just don’t feel like talking to certain people.

And you feel like you need a fucking crane to lift your body off the couch/bed after you’ve decided to lie down.

I put myself in a very interesting situation a couple of hours ago.

I was hungry and the family + cousin + his friends were downstairs having dinner but I didn’t want to go down because then I would have to speak. And interact. With other people.

 So I decided to wait till they were all done. And then I had this plate of food in front of me and realized:

I am really really really hungry, but I don’t actually want to stick food in my mouth and have to chew it all and then force it down.

Such a hassle.

So I’m still in discomfort. I still hate the world. I still require at least one tissue every five minutes for this thing that I own called a ‘nose’.

I still die a little inside every time I cough (or God forbid – sneeze) because I did this ab work out a couple of days ago and it still hurts. 

I want oreos and milk, and cookies and cream ice cream,and a Fillet “O” Fish, and lots of blankets, and caramel popcorn, and cold weather, and a hug.


Everything hurts!

Feed me sympathyyyyy.

And Panadol.


