Top 10 Videos From The Weird Part Of YouTube

4 02 2013


I think it’s about time I tame my obsession with lists.

Yes, the list of lists still exists on a ‘note’ in my phone.


Have you ever found yourself browsing aimlessly on YouTube and just clicking away at relevant videos so much so that end you end up in that ‘weird part of YouTube’ where the top comment is either “dafuq did i just watch”, “i’m in that weird part of youtube again”, or “ok, enough internet for today”?

And after watching any of the videos from the “weird part of YouTube” you find that you don’t know how to react.

I’ve asked for people’s opinions and nominations to compile the following.

These videos will make you want to cringe and say “what the fuck/ohmygod” a lot.

And I’m sure you will.

10. きゃりーぱみゅぱみゅ – PONPONPON

Theme song for the Gold Coast trip last year. Includes weird dancing, flying things and that weird fat dancing lady-thing. Plus the fact that it’s Japanese has to say something.

9. Willy Bum Bum

Another video that’s all about the music (mostly). Props to Kane for showing me this after I showed him the Coconut Song. You’re weird. This song is actually pretty catchy so yeah. Title says it all, really.

8. Man Showing His Neo Geo Collection Dancing

Shirtless Asian man doing what he does best. This one is more of a ‘wtf’ video. Slightly cringe worthy. You will probably find yourself distancing yourself from your screen at some point during this video.

7. Ultimate Muscle Roller Legend

Why was this made? Nobody knows. Was it entertaining? Fuck yes.

6. Gold Mine Of Black Heads On Nose

I apologize if you watched the whole thing. I felt really dirty after watching this and kept touching my nose (which probably isn’t a good thing). Apparently this goes on to a “Part 4” so if you’re that kind of person…


Dat Aussie accent lulz. No explanation required why this is in the Top 5. Thanks Mahadi.

4. Baaa

This guys is also the same guy who made “cows & cows & cows” (which was supposed to make the list but was replaced with this instead). Safe to say he’s pretty fucked up. Watch till the end, it gets weirder.

3. Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared

Since this is in the Top 3, you should be pretty fucking terrified about what’s in this video, right? Wrong. Just think creatively!

2. Something From The Weird Corner Of The Internet Cupboard

The worst part about this video is that there’s no closure. It just leaves you in a state of ‘wtf was that?’. Seriously, what the fuck was that?

1. Little Baby’s Ice Cream Ads

So these are legitimate ads for Little Baby’s Ice Cream and they are creepy as fuck. I feel like my privacy has been invaded. I should challenge you to try and eat ice cream while watching the first one; but no. Little Baby’s Ice Cream. Ice Cream…


Hope you guys are properly creeped out now.

And if you watched all 10 videos then you were pretty much asking to be creeped out.

More lists to come, dw cakes!




2 responses

5 02 2013

I don’t even know how I ended up here, but I thought this post was great. I do not know who you are but definitely you are going to a famous blogger if you are not already 😉 Cheers!

6 02 2013

Why thank you! Glad you enjoyed it (:

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